Sunday, 19 June 2011

Keeping up with the Jones'es

June 17, 2011

As you know, I have given Hippolyta's colony an upstairs apartment to fill with more brood etc.  After I had done that, I sat down with my books and tried to understand what I had seen while in the hives.  Seems that I have enough growth in Queen Elizabeth's colony to give them a super as well.  I came home early from work today to take advantage of the lovely sunny weather to do a quick reno for QEI.

When I lifted the lid, the bees had busily added comb underneath, yet again.  There was no honey in it yet, thank goodness, but I couldn't believe the  amount they got done in just two days.  Having learned from the last experience, I smoked the bees more so they would move downstairs while I cleaned the wax off.  All the while, I was telling the bees how sorry I was that I had to disturb them so soon after the last time.  I then very quickly and gently added a super to their home, put the lid off and left them.  So they now have 10 brand new frames to work on, just like their neighbours.

Two hives, both alike in dignity

June 19, 2011

Today is a gorgeous Father's Day.  Bill and I have been happily sitting in the back garden watching the bees.  They are so busy...back and forth...back and forth.  The sage at the fountain has started to bloom and now the bees have discovered a liking for the nectar of this herb.  It is so much fun watching them going right down into the blossom and then re-emerging, slightly drunk.  Here are some shots of this behaviour...way too much fun!

The approach

Going in


Almost in to the treasure

Here is the bench where the time is whiled away with dog, Olive happily in attendance.   I am far too lazy to work like the bees so I will happily sit here for the rest of the day.

Happy Father's Day to all!

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